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The areas of the Forest District Bytnica belong to one of the most beautiful regions in our country. Silence, peace, clean air particularly encourage people to spending their time in the area of the Forest District. This is sheer paradise for fishermen, mushroom pickers, hiking and bicycle tourism lovers. The landscape id diversified by natural monuments, lakes and historical monuments of architecture.

The attractiveness of this place gives the tourists possibility to enjoy different forms of active holidays, such as:

● walking and cycling trips (two tourist trials, educational trail „Gryżyńskie Uroczyska (Gryżyńskie Wilderness)",

● mushroom picking (within the area of the Forest District there are special parking lots for mushroom pickers),

● fishing (numerous lakes, among others Bytnickie and Głębokie),

● sunbathing  (lakes altogether with public beach),

● horse riding (" Gryżyna Ranch" and  the Centre of Horse Riding in Morsko)

●hunting (Pedigree Breeding Establishment (Polish abbreviation OHZ), hunting districts 115 and116).


The Forest Districthas also got educational trail „Gryżyńskie Uroczyska (Gryżyńskie Wilderness)", which gives visitors the opportunity to observe many species of plants and animals in their natural habitats. We can admire here :

  • historical oak avenue,
  • beaver dams,
  • numerous well-heads and effusion
  • interesting and varied glacial terrain,
  • different species of orchis, European common twayblade (relative of tropical orchis),
  • lucanus cervus (one of the biggest beetles in Poland),
  • red – breasted flycatcher (bird of natural old trees),


Within the area of the Forest District Bytnica there is located interesting places, buildings and historical monuments, which draws tourist attention. To one of the most interesting places belongs  the Palace and Park Complex in the village Gryżyna, where the Forest District had its headquarter in the past. Within the area of the Forest District Bytnica in the village Grabin, one can admire both: a beautiful manor to which runs picturesque oak avenue, as well as historical church under the invocation of Saint John the Babtist. Worth paying ones attention are also historical oak avenues in Gryżyna and Zawisze, which are the mainstay of protected species.